Somewhere deep inside you know...
There is so much more to life than you’re currently experiencing. Maybe you’ve been to traditional doctors offering “conventional” medicine, and you never seem to get better or get any answers.
Or perhaps they haven’t taken you seriously at all.
Something is missing, both in the medical and food system in this country and your body.
You want to feel better, have more energy, lose weight, and take fewer prescription medications, but you don’t know how.
It feels like an endless cycle that you can’t escape.
But what if you could?

15 Most Common Ailments

Discover what it means to achieve real and lasting health!

Doc Moe
I know what it's like to live in a body that doesn't feel healthy. I carried 40-pounds of excess weight and lost it all AFTER menopause.
At the young age of 72, I have more energy than most 40-year-olds. I swim 3x per week and take hot yoga classes 4x per week.
My life’s journey, all the joy, disappointments, stress, and tragedies have led me on this healing journey. My passion is to raise the consciousness of my clients and help them discover their healing path.

Take your health back into your own hands with personalized coaching
If you want to improve your health, it's up to you. But I'll tell you upfront, you'll have to work for it. You'll have to unlearn most of what you've been taught about what is good for you, how your body works, and what it means to be healthy.
There's no magic pill. No quick fix. But here's the truth (and I'm not going to sugar-coat it): YOU created your condition, and YOU are the one who can correct it.
Take a moment and sit with that. It’s hard to hear, I know. I had to hear it myself years ago. But here’s the thing, it’s not all your fault. We live in a society that has lied to us from the day we were born regarding health.
If you’re living your life on autopilot, you’ve fallen into bad habits due to unconscious living.
It's time to wake up. Give me 4 weeks, and I'll help you discover what it means to live consciously.
Discover the root cause with a Second Opinion
If you’re struggling with a health concern and aren’t satisfied with the answers you’ve been given, it’s time to dig deeper.
A functional blood work evaluation can provide the answers you need to truly identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. My mission is to help you find this cause and address those issues with natural methods instead of masking the symptoms and suppressing your immune system.

Bioidentical Whole Food Supplements
The majority of supplements on the market are filled with synthetic and other questionable ingredients at dosages that don't support optimal health. Furthermore, most are not backed by any data proving they work, so it's literally flushing your money down the toilet.
I only prescribe the best supplements on the planet.
Standard Process is a company that’s been around for over 90 years. Their supplements feature premium whole food concentrates and herbs. Nothing synthetic. No junk.
Standard Process supplements are only sold through doctors and other authorized healthcare professionals.

You Need Preventive Care
As a species, we've peaked. Diseases like obesity, cancer, diabetes, and dementia are killing humans earlier than ever. These conditions often start in your 30s or 40s, and by the time you develop symptoms, it has been brewing for years.
Functional labs help us see how your body is doing yearly and clue us into signs BEFORE you get sick.
Think of your liver. It is a huge manufacturing plant for your body and a giant filter. This organ helps keep your body running smoothly without you ever having to think about it. But if it is clogged up, your body cannot heal. As a result, you'll never feel well.
How is your body digesting food, handling sugar, and maintaining hydration? Are your kidneys working well? How about your immune system?
Schedule a full consult with Doc Moe once a year BEFORE you get sick to keep your body working optimally.
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Our Promise to You...
If you're unsure whether my philosophy resonates with you or if I can help your unique situation, I offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions.
But here's the thing, getting healthy is up to you. I don't guarantee my program because I can't eat the food for you, exercise for you, and make the necessary lifestyle changes required to develop true health.
Does my program work?
The programs and information are specifically for you. Nobody has the same condition and every one is unique and different. Depending on whether you want to take baby steps or jump right in…. you will get results.
The choice is yours…..you can continue being duped by the medical/pharmaceutical/industrial complex and all the misinformation out there ( medical and alternative) or you can take control and heal. Everyone is suffering.
Make the 10-minute call…it’s FREE and I can help.